We are Mukisa Global Inc

We are agents of change in Jesus’ name.

Core values

Faith and Integrity

We believe in God as creator and owner of all resources. Opportunities or obstacles don’t change our core beliefs in God’s kingdom principles and redemptive plan for His creation.

Productivity and Work

 Efficient & Productive work always gets rewarded.


Creativity and Innovation

We always innovate to come with more satisfying products.


We believe together we can achieve more. Networking is part of our building block of success.

Entrepreneurship and Sustainability

Dependency keeps humans in poverty. Entrepreneurship and sustainable development free humans and create abundance on earth. .

Quality and Compliance

 We only deliver quality and safe products and services in compliance with state, national and international laws. 

Human Relationships

We value each individual created in God’s image regardless of their background and we care for their wellbeing.

Servant Leadership and Intentional Living Approach

Our work is rooted in servant leadership and Intentional living. While making financial profits, we commit to reinvesting in the lives of residents.

Buying anything from Mukisa is a life saving act of charity to sponsor  a child's education or to secure medical care for a resident.

Our goal is to manage a financially solid farm and redirect the proceeds to support education and health care in our target communities .

Our Products and Approach

Our main focus is on goat and livestock. We raise goats for meat, milk and sale. Although, we raise chicken for meat and eggs, lambs , and other animals most consumed in Africa and the Americas.

Mukisa Global Inc

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