We are Mukisa Global Inc

We are agents of change in Jesus’ name.

Bring your Team and Group to the Farm

When you visit Mukisa, you don’t visit animals only. You will experience a tour full of testimonies and life changing stories. It s an experience about how Mukisa has been a blessing for the community and for the people. Our volunteer and church partnership coordinator can assist you in preparing your mission outreach to Uganda and to the Farm in Bussi. We offer opportunities for internship to students in our fields of service including farming, agriculture, education, medical care, church ministry, spiritual growth, etc. Yet, our network of partners welcome you.

Unforgettable Visit

Visiting our farm always creates an unforgettable memory for our visitors. Not only they will visit the beauty of Kyanjazi Village- on the Bussy Island across the lake of Victoria but also they will visit an amazing site for our education center and our projected  modern health center in the community.

Visit our Community Partners

We are partnering with fresh startup schools and churches in the community to strengthen their approach to education and train more staffs as we wait to build Mukisa Academy. We expect to work with the local authorities to make sure that every school age child is enrolled in school. Call or email us to learn more about our projects. (admin@mukisaglobal.com; 2159541076)

Visit Our Vet Clinic and Health Center Site

We have professional staff living on site. Our veterinary guides our partners and visitors on our approach to animal production and the system of care available on site. By visiting our farm, you will explore the site for our projected hospital and health center. This is an opportunity to explore the medical needs as well.  Please schedule a visit or call us at 784443375

Contact Us

Shedule a tour

You can Schedule a tour at any time. We are across the LAKE OF VICTORIA, near Entebbe, Ginja and the Nile River. We may offer free transportation accommodation through our Mukisa Cruise Line if available

Mukisa Global Inc

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